Friday, 17 November 2017

Term 2

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We are continuing our learning on Mexico in term 2.  We will be focusing on the physical features of the country, researching a Mexican city, looking at the climate and analysing weather charts as well as learning some Spanish greeting and using our literacy skills to write a Non-chronological report. 

Our new science topic is Light and Shadows.  

Black History Week

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During Black History week we focused on Poetry.  Our class poet was Valerie Bloom.  We researched facts about her life, watched some of her performances and learned one of her poems - 'Granny is...'

Image result for granny is poem

Some children in year 3 used ideas from Valerie Bloom's 'Granny is...' poem and created their own poems. 

Science - Forces and Magnets

We have been looking at different forces and their properties.  We carried out an experiment to see how a car would travel over different surfaces.  Take a look at our experiment below.

Welcome to year 3

In Term 1, year 3 have been learning about Mexico.

During our 'wow' day we dressed up as tourists, sampled different traditional Mexican food, wrote to a Mexican pen pal and learned some Spanish phrases.

The children completed a taste test grid, giving their views on the foods they liked and disliked and gave reasons.  They also described some of the foods.

Here we are dressed as explorers ready for the warm climate of Mexico.